Work from home, make money from your Website, join affiliate programs, get paid to take online surveys, get paid by reading email, get paid by surfing the Web, money making tutorials, earn revenue by placing ads on your Website, advertisement programs, get a fee to refer customers, receive commission for offering custom builds, etc.
As we know, on internet provide free money with low effort, such as just click, running banner, click for read email, fill survey etc. But be carrefull with that, sometimes they are not pay to us when we were fullfil they requirement. So be selective to choice their program.
For Indonesian citizen we suggest as follows;
- 1. make sure for your account payment can be transfer to your account bank. We prefer use E-Gold account
- 2. make sure with the local account can be buy or sell your E-Gold and finished to transfer to your account bank. We prefer use Indochanger account.